a 501(c)3 non-profit organization - EIN # 36-3297724

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Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be the “International Rescue and Emergency Care Association” and hereinafter shall be referred to as “the Association.”
Article II - Organization
Section A - Purpose
The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of the association is:
To promote organized rescue and emergency medical care throughout the world.
To serve as a competent source of guidance and information on rescue and emergency medical care.
To cooperate with and assist other organizations who’s objectives are accident prevention, safety, education, rescue, and emergency medical care.
To encourage and participate, when appropriate, in research designed to advance the science and art of rescue and emergency medical care, and to encourage the standardization of practice and equipment.
To develop and maintain a code of high ethical standards among rescue and emergency medical care personnel.
To cooperate fully with, but not limited to, the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and the International Association of Fire Chiefs to ensure the highest level of training and performance of all rescue & emergency medical care personnel.
To aid in achieving and maintaining world harmony by developing a spirit of kinship among those people devoted to saving lives and caring for the sick and injured.
To bring together, in a common association, all organizations and individuals who believe in and will promote these objectives.
Section B - Incurment of Income
No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.
Section C - Legislative or Political Activities
None of the activities of the Association shall involve the spreading of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, including the publishing or distribution of statements. The Association shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section D - Operational Limitations
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an Association exempt from Federal Income Tax under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or by an Association, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section E - Dissolution Clause
Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Board of Directors shall, after making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association. Asset disposal shall be to organizations operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes which qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code, as determined by the Board of Directors. Any assets not so distributed shall be disposed of by the appropriate Court in the jurisdiction in which the principal office of the Association is then located.
Section F - Financial Responsibility
No Officer, Trustee, Director or Member, either elected or appointed, who conducts business for the Association, shall be held personally responsible for those financial transactions, agreements or contracts arranged in the name of the Association. Those transactions, agreements, or contracts must be either an accepted part of the Association’s business or have the prior approval of the Association.
Article III - Membership
Section A
Membership in the Association shall be open to any organization or individual supporting and sustaining the objectives set forth in Article II of the Constitution and conforming to the requirements hereinafter set forth in the Bylaws.
Section B
The classes of membership in the Association shall be as hereinafter set forth in the Bylaws.
Article IV - Officers
Section A
The Officers of the Association shall consist of all elected Officers and all committee and regional appointments, as shall be prescribed in the Bylaws.
Section B
There shall be a Board of Directors composed of the President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Immediate Active Past President, all other Active Past Presidents (who will have one collective vote), all Regional Vice Presidents and three (3) appointed members-at-large to include: A Medical Director, an Emergency Medical Services representative and a Rescue representative. A quorum shall consist of six (6) members.
Section C
There shall be an Executive Board composed of the President as Chairperson, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President and the Immediate Active Past President. A quorum shall consist of three (3) members.
Section D
The President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and all Regional Vice Presidents shall be elected by ballot at the annual Conference. They shall hold office for two (2) consecutive years, and can be re-elected at the annual Conference. The Executive Board shall be authorized to fill vacancies in the elective positions if such occurs. In the event of the President’s inability to continue in office, the Immediate Active Past President shall act as president for the unexpired term. No member shall be eligible to hold the office of President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, unless he or she has been a current active individual member of the Board of Directors for one (1) year in the last three (3) years.
Article V – Annual Conference
The Association shall meet in Conference once each year, and in such place, and upon a date approved by the Board of Directors and presented to the membership at a previous Annual Conference. In the event an invitation is received to have the Annual Conference in some specific place, the Board of Directors shall direct the Board of Conference Managers to review that request to determine if that site is appropriate for the Association requirements. The Board of Conference Managers shall present its findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors for consideration for the annual Conference.
Article VI – Amendment Process
Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be presented to the Chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual Conference or the mailing of the ballots. All proposed amendments to be considered shall be submitted to the membership not less than sixty (60) days in advance of the opening of the Annual Conference or the mailing of the ballots, if the vote is to be conducted by mail. Publication in the Association’s Website and/or Newsletter may constitute such notice to the membership or it may be brought to their attention by mail. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of returned ballots from the eligible voting membership shall be required for adoption through a mail ballot. Emergency amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be presented at the first business meeting of the Annual Conference for consideration by the membership. Emergency shall be defined as those amendments necessary for smooth operation of the Association or to Sections that conflict with other sections of the Constitution or ByLaws. These amendment(s) shall be voted on at the same time as all other amendments being considered at the annual Conference. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the eligible voting membership in attendance shall be required for the adoption of the amendment(s).
Article I - Duties of Officers
All elected and appointed officers shall serve without remuneration, except for expenses that might be incurred in the performance of the duties of their respective office, including assistance they may employ. All such expenses, however, must be approved, by the Board of Directors. Any and all expense accounts submitted for reimbursement shall be supported by receipts or vouchers covering all items of expense so incurred.
Section A - President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Board. The President shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws and notify them in writing of their appointments. The President shall also perform such other duties as may be required by the Association or the Board of Directors. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section B - President-Elect
The President-Elect will act as pro-tempore in the office of First and Second Vice President combined for a period of not more than sixty (60) days, during which time the Executive Board shall elect a successor as provided under Article IV, Section D of the Constitution. The President-Elect shall be in charge of the membership, membership services, and serve as the chairperson of those committees.
Section C - First Vice President
The First Vice President shall be in charge of the publicity, public relations, publications, and finance committee and serve as Chairperson of these committees.
Section D - Second Vice President
The Second Vice President shall serve as Chairperson of the Educational Technical Committee and serve as liaison to the contest chairs for the Board of Directors.
Section E - Board of Directors
In the absence of the President, Immediate Active Past President, and/or Vice Presidents, the Board shall elect a member of the Board of Directors to act as Chairperson for scheduled meetings.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to meet at least twice a year to conduct all business of the Association. Additional meetings can be held at the call of the President, or upon a written request of a majority of Directors. Six (6) directors shall constitute a quorum at a Board meetings.
Following each meeting of the Board, the membership shall be given a brief report of their actions. The Association publication can be utilized in this respect.
The Board of Directors shall have the power to create additional regions annually in areas of the world where, in their opinion, increased interest and activity in the Association indicated a need for closer liaison with the Board.
Section F - Executive Board
The Executive Board shall have the power to act in the name of the Board of Directors in all Association matters that cannot await a full meeting of the Board of Directors, or the Association.
Section G - Regional Vice Presidents
The Regional Vice Presidents shall serve as coordinators and officers between their respective regions and the Board of Directors as follows:
Attend all meetings of the Association. In the event a Regional Vice President, due to unforeseen circumstances, is unable to attend, The Regional Vice President may appoint an active member as their representative. Name of said representative must be submitted to the President, in writing, in advance, for President’s approval.
Appoint all State or provincial Officers, such as Directors, Committee Chairpersons, and Medical Advisors, forwarding names and addresses of same to the President and Executive Office.
Submit an Activity Report for the past year of office to the Executive Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Winter Board meeting.
Shall serve and represent a geographical area or affiliated State, Provincial, or Regional Association, or as may be directed by the Board of Directors.
Section H - State, Provincial, and/or Territorial Officers
These Officers, upon being appointed by their Regional Vice Presidents, shall direct the Association’s activities within their respective areas and act as liaison between said area and their Regional Vice President. They shall appoint other officers for assistance as deemed necessary. They shall submit an Activity Report on behalf of their respective areas, within thirty (30) days following their term in office, to their Regional Vice President.
Section I - Executive Secretary
There will be an Executive Secretary, appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors, who will carry out all correspondence relating to all activities and duties on behalf of the Association as follows:
Keep accurate records of all members.
Shall receive monies due the Association and deposit same in the name of the Association in a bank whose deposits are insured by FDIC or its equivalent.
Shall report all receipts to the Treasurer by copy of the receipted bank slip showing source of such funds.
Shall attend all Board of Directors meetings, but have no vote.
Shall supply the Credentials Committee with a roster of all eligible members, prior to any ballot voting for the Association.
Make ready all accounts for auditing as directed by the Board of Directors.
Prepare and distribute an Annual Report, as outlined in Article III, Section J of the Bylaws.
Shall along with one other Executive Committee member or treasurer co-sign all checks issued against Association funds, except those transactions related to the conduct of the Annual Conference.
Shall keep a complete and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors; and furnish a copy of minutes to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days of the meeting.
10.Shall carry out all such other duties, including those relating to the Annual Conference as assigned by the Board of Directors.
11.Will participate in a review by the Executive Board at the Annual Conference.
Section J - Treasurer
There will be a Treasurer, who will carry out all correspondence relating to all activities and duties on behalf of the Association as outlined below:
Should attend all board of director’s meetings but have no vote.
Make ready all accounts for auditing as directed by the board of directors.
Shall prepare an annual financial report as outlined in Article III, Section J of the Bylaws.
Shall carry out all other duties, including those related to the Annual Conference as shall be assigned by the board of directors.
Article II - Membership
Section A - Active Membership
Active membership categories include those individuals and organizations with dues duly paid and conforming to Article III, Section A of the Constitution.
Individuals - They shall receive a membership card, the Association publication, and other Association benefits. They shall have one (1) vote in the organization.
Youth - This category shall include those individuals who are fourteen (14) years of age or older but have not reached their nineteenth (19) birthday as of the first day of the annual conference. Youth membership shall be granted a reduction of their membership dues and shall have one (1) vote in the organization.
Organization - This category includes a Squad, Crew, units, patrol squadron, fire department, hospital, police, ambulance service, city, county, regional or other group whether a volunteer or a paid organization. They shall receive a membership card, Association publication as published and other Association benefits. They shall have five (5) votes in the Association.
Senior Citizens - All members, upon reaching the age of sixty (60) shall be granted a reduction of their membership dues. They shall receive all other Association benefits. They shall have one (1) vote in the Association.
Life membership - Active members upon reaching the age of sixty (60) and having been an active member of the Association for twenty (20) or more consecutive years shall be granted a Life membership. The President of the Association, upon completion of their term of office, shall be granted a Life membership. Life members shall receive a permanent membership card, a reduction in their Conference registration fee and all other Association benefits. They shall have one (1) vote in the Association. A special, interest bearing account shall be credited with the equivalent of ten (10) years of the life member’s dues. Only the interest of this account may be used as necessary, to offset the usual expenses associated with the membership privileges afforded the Life member. Life membership can be awarded at the discretion of the board of directors.
Section B - Dues
The Board of Directors shall set the dues for each membership class. The payment of dues is for the current membership year only. Annual dues become payable on January first of each year. Dues notices shall be mailed by the Executive Office on or before the due date. Non-payment of dues will result in the following:
Executive Office will mail second or delinquent notices within three (3) months following the due date, with a copy to respective Regional Vice Presidents for follow up.
Membership privileges will be discontinued and names will be placed in delinquent files.
Dues not paid within six (6) months following the due date will result in the member being dropped from membership in the Association and no further obligation of the Executive Office.
Members shall have no vote at an election unless he/she is a current member in good standing with dues fully paid sixty (60) days prior to set date of voting.
Former members may re-join the Association as new members or pay delinquent dues to maintain consecutive membership privileges.
Article III - Committees & Boards
Section A - Membership Committee
This committee shall consist of all Regional Vice Presidents with the President-Elect as Chairperson. Their duties shall be as follows:
Plan, direct and continuously recruit membership enrollment.
Formulate requirements for membership not otherwise covered and submit their recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Section B - Nominating Committee
This Committee shall consist of three (3) voting members appointed by the President. Members in office or seeking an office shall not be eligible to serve on this committee. The Chairperson of the Committee shall:
Advise all members of this committee of all nominations received.
Meet as a Committee prior to the annual election and review all qualifications of all candidates for office.
Submit the Committee report to the membership at the Annual Conference as outlined in Article IV, Section 1, sub-paragraph (a) and (b) of the Bylaws.
Receive nominations from the floor, which must be in writing and will include a resume of their qualifications.
Section C - Credentials Committee
This Committee, appointed by the President shall consist of no less than three (3) voting members, excluding those members whose name may appear on a ballot, and shall be appointed no later than the Winter Board Meeting. They shall:
Receive from the Executive Office, a roster of all members entitled to vote as stated in Article II, Section 3, Sub-paragraph (c) of the Bylaws, with paid date shown.
Prepare all ballots showing names of the nominee and respective office
Examine all credentials of voting members and record number of votes each member is entitled to cast.
Be in constant attendance at the voting polls if voting is held at the Annual Conference.
Compile all results of voting, submitting their final report to the President, and Executive Office.
Section D - Education & Technical Committee
The Second Vice President shall serve as Chairperson of this Committee composed of specialists from the field of Emergency Medical Care, Rescue and Safety. They shall:
Provide continuing education and training programs in the fields of emergency medical care and rescue.
Study and endeavor to bring about standardization for use in these fields.
Endeavor to enlighten the membership on standard equipment in use.
Act as clearinghouse for problems of a technical nature arising among the membership of the Association.
Section E - Public Relations & Publicity Committee
The First Vice President shall serve as Chairperson of this Committee which will include all Regional Vice Presidents. The Chairperson shall:
Serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Office in Association publications to membership.
Endeavor to enlighten the public of the objectives and activities of the Association, through avenues of communications and news media.
Stress the importance of good Public Relations among all members of the Association, as the success of any organization is dependent on same.
Section F - Constitution & Bylaws Committee
The committee shall consist of at least three (3) members appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. They shall:
Receive all proposed changes to the Constitution and bylaws.
Edit and re-phrase proposed changes for clarity and meaning, endeavoring to avoid conflict with other sections of the Constitution and bylaws.
Cause to be published and circulated, all proposed amendments, at least sixty (60) days prior to the published voting date.
Section G - Competition Committees
There shall be committees to plan all functions relating to the conducting of the Annual International Competition. They shall include but not be limited to Basic Life Support contest, Advanced Life Support contest and Technical Rescue Contest Committees. They shall make and keep the Rules and Regulations for each contest up-to-date, making recommendations as may be necessary, for revisions. Additional Contest Committees shall be appointed for contests as deemed appropriate.
Section H - Scholarship Committee
There shall be a committee to plan all functions relating to the awarding of the annual “Past Presidents Scholarships”. They shall make and keep the Rules and Regulations for awarding of the scholarships, make recommendations as may be necessary for revisions. The Committee shall be composed of the Immediate Past President, who will be the Chairperson, the Association Medical Advisor, and all active Past Presidents. Funds for the scholarship program will be maintained as a subsidiary account of the Association and governed by the regular business practices of the Association. The deposits, withdrawals and investments in this account will be only at the direction of the Board of Directors. Minutes of all meetings and other documents will be forwarded to the Executive Office by the end of the annual conference.
Section I - Records
It shall be the responsibility of each Committee Chairperson upon termination of their appointed term to forward all records relating to their respective committee, to the President or Executive Office, who in turn will forward them to their successor.
Section J - Annual Report
There shall be an Annual Report covering the activities and functions of each elected officer, appointed committee, Treasurer, Executive Secretary and Conference Committee Chair. All reports are to be completed and delivered, to the Executive Secretary by January 30 following that fiscal year. The Annual Report will be prepared and presented at the Board of Directors and the Association membership at the General Business meeting during the Annual Conference.
Section K - Annual Conference
The Conference shall be held in accordance with Article V of the Constitution. Ten percent (10%) of voting membership registered at the Conference shall be a quorum to conduct business.
Section L - Board of Conference Managers
A Board of Conference Managers will plan, coordinate and implement the Association’s annual conference, and any other Board of Director’s approved conference. This Board will consist of a meeting planner and six specialty coordinators. The meeting planner will be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the President. This appointment will be confirmed by the Board of Directors and report directly to the Association’s Executive Board. The meeting planner shall keep a complete and accurate record of all the proceedings of all meetings of the Board of Conference Managers and furnish a copy of minutes to the Executive Office within thirty (30) days of the meeting.
Section M - Conference Coordinators
The conference coordinators will be appointed by the President, with recommendations from the Meeting Planner, for a period of three years. Two appointments will be made each year. The coordinators specialty areas shall consist of, but not limited to:
Hotel and site coordination
Education and seminal coordination
Competition coordination
Publicity and Marketing
Financial Coordinator
Program Management and Host Coordination
Section N - Scholarship Committee
There shall be a Committee to plan all functions relating to the awarding of the annual “Past Presidents Scholarships”. They shall make and keep the Rules and Regulations for awarding of the scholarships, make recommendations as may be necessary for revisions. The Committee shall be composed of the Immediate Past President, who will be the Chairperson, the Association Medical Advisor, and all active Past Presidents. Funds for the scholarship program will be maintained as a subsidiary account of the Association and governed by the regular business practices of the Association. The deposits, withdrawals and investments in this account will be only at the direction of the Board of Directors. Minutes of all meetings and other documents will be forwarded to the Executive Office by the end of the annual conference.
Article IV - Election Process
Election of Officers shall be held after the general business meeting at the annual conference. Procedure:
The Chairperson, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, shall announce their recommendations for President, President-Elect, First Vice President and Second Vice President, giving a review of each person’s qualifications. The Chairperson will then accept nominations from the floor, in writing, which will include a resume of their qualifications. Following the nominations for each office, the Chairperson will entertain a motion for nominations to be closed.
The Chairperson shall then announce the Committee’s recommendations for Regional Vice Presidents, giving a review of each person’s qualifications. The Chairperson will then accept nominations from the floor, in writing, which will include a resume of their qualifications. Such nominations can only be presented by members residing within the respective region. Following the nominations for each office, the Chairperson will entertain a motion for nominations to be closed. The regional vice presidents will be elected ONLY by eligible voting members residing within each respective region. In the event two (2) or names appear on a ballot for regions not represented by voting members; the Board of Directors shall have the authority to elect that Regional Vice President.
Organizational Proxy Votes: A current organizational member can authorize a member of their unit or organization to vote on their behalf for the purpose of electing officers of the Association and/or amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Authorization is a letter of delegation from an officer of that unit or organization.
Individual Proxy votes: A current individual member can authorize another current member to vote on their behalf for the purpose of electing officers of the Association and/or amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws. Written authorization is a letter granting a proxy to cast a ballot for them. Individual proxy votes are ONLY allowed for members NOT attending the annual conference.
The Credentials Committee shall act as Judges at such elections, and issue the appropriate prepared ballot(s) to each eligible voting delegate in accordance with the number of votes the delegate is entitled to case and verify member’s region. The Committee may add others to assist with the approval of the President.
Article V - General Provisions
Section A - Military Service
Members actively engaged in the military of their respective countries shall be excused from current dues during the term of such active service, providing that these dues were paid for the year in which they entered the service. Career members, however, shall not be excused from current dues.
Section B - Legal Advisors
The President shall be empowered to appoint a legal counselor with whom to work in all legal matters pertaining to the Association. The President shall be chairperson of any legal advisory committee that may be established because of the various differences in law respective to the regions of the Association.
Section C - Discipline
Any individual member of the Association found guilty of any malicious damage in or about any of the premises hosting the Conference will be dealt with by the local authorities as deemed necessary. The Association may assist in the prosecution upon presentation of facts to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will expel or revoke the membership of any individual or group of individuals for misconduct or just cause.
Section D - Robert’s Rules
All business functions, voting, and any other activities pertaining to operating procedures of the Association not covered in these constitution and bylaws shall be governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” Current edition.
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